SIMPLE LUXE celebrates working women in all aspects of their lives

SIMPLE LUXE celebrates working women in all aspects of their lives

We believe “work” encompasses many facets and have titles in our lives; whether you’re a mother, a wife, a partner, a daughter, a sister, an aunty, a friend, and / or a colleague. That’s why we embrace and celebrate the fact our lives are multidimensional, because it is not just about the 9 – 5, it’s about having a full life and living to the fullest.

We believe happiness and success comes in many shapes and sizes, and looks really different for each of us. We believe that when it comes to women and work, there's no wrong or right answer. The only person who can create a life you’ll love is you. So whatever your journey is, we are passionate about empowering you to create and build a life you want to live.

We are passionate about helping women to organise their work in style; looking and feeling their best with creative design stationery, gorgeous accessories and organisational solutions.

We invite you all to join the conversation and let’s show the world what it looks like to be a woman who works in all aspects of our lives. We hope to encourage many women to come together and share their experiences, advice, ambitions, and passions.

We hope to inspire you to redefine success and architect a life that honours your individual passions and build a life you want to live.

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